Full cast announced for EAST IS EAST
Adam Karim (Sajit Khan), Assad Zaman (Saleem Khan), Dharmesh
Patel (Abdul Khan), Salma Hoque (Meenah Khan) and Simon
Nagra(George Khan) join the previously announced comedy award-winning
actress Pauline McLynn (Ella Khan) and original West End cast
members, Ashley Kumar (Tariq Khan) and Darren Kuppan (Maneer Khan) to
complete the casting of the Khan family in the national tour of Ayub Khan Din’s
critically-acclaimed play East is East. The Khans are joined
by Kammy Darweish (Mr Shah), Sakuntala Ramanee (Mrs
Shah) and Sally
Bankes (Auntie Annie).
East is East, which was part of Jamie Lloyd’s second Trafalgar
Transformed season, is directed by Sam Yates, and will embark on a
14 week National Tour from 11 June 2015, commencing at Theatre Royal Brighton
before coming to the Theatre Royal Glasgow from Monday 10 until
Saturday 15 August. East is East is designed by Tom Scutt, with lighting by Richard
Howell and sound and music by Alex Baranowski.
Pakistani chip shop owner George Khan - "Genghis" to his kids
- is determined to give his children a strict Muslim upbringing in 1970s
Salford. Household tension reaches breaking point as their long-suffering
English mother, Ella, gets caught in the cross fire - her loyalties divided
between her marriage and the free will of her children.
East is East, Ayub Khan Din’s semi-autobiographical account of British Asian life in
the 1970s and the clash of cultures between a multi-cultural family growing up
in Salford, is a play that continues to resonate and provoke discussion. Starring award-winning actress Pauline
McLynn (Father Ted, Shameless and EastEnders)
as Ella and a host of the finest British acting talent completing the Khan
family and friends, this critically acclaimed production of a modern
comedy classic promises to be unmissable.
Mon 10 – Sat 15 Aug 2015
Mon – Sat eves 7.30pm
Thu & Sat mats 2.30pm
Box Office 0844 871 7647 (bkg fee)
www.atgtickets.com/glasgow (bkg fee)