Fringe Review: Bromance - Underbelly Circus Hub, The Meadows ✭✭✭✭✭
Review by Ellen Cree
If you aren't planning on seeing Bromance, then you aren't doing the Fringe properly. This spellbinding act stars an alluring, charismatic trio who have you captivated from start to finish by exploring friendship and male bonding in a mesmerising spectacle, including humorous filler sketches along with brilliant characterisation.The three personalities, if you like, are Louis (the robust/stong one), Beren (the incredible leaper) and Charlie (who blew me away with his talent for the cyr wheel). As well as feeling inspired after attending the show, I was completely left in awe of the talent that I’d witnessed from the three. There was a perfect balance of light hearted humour, emotion and anticipation, along with some darker segments, all achieved with very little props, a cyr wheel and the bodies of the three men. The performance had the whole audience on the edge of their seats with their mouths wide open in disbelief at the stunts, followed by loud sighs of relief at the the success. My stomach was left in knots during many of the acrobatic routines, despite of course having full faith that all would run smoothly, but you can’t help but feel a degree of panic when spectating such risky tricks which involve the performers heads just missing the floor.
As well as having the light hearted comedy in places, the show deeply explores the themes of male friendship, and more specifically, jealously, damaged dignity and intimacy that might occur between a bromance made of three individuals, opposed to the more common number of two, as the routines become more complex.
Bromance beautifully captures the essence of friendship between males and it a fantastic act for fans of circus and comedy alike.
Bromance is at Underbelly Circus Hub, performances last 55 minutes and are on 15-16, 18-23, 25-29 August at 18:25