DVD Review: VISIONS ✭✭✭
This movie moves pretty fast for a horror movie, normally you have to wait around watching for ages for something to actually happen. But not with this movie pretty much 10 minutes in you're already treated to some strange going-ons, which in some cases is what you want but sometimes the fastness feels a little forced.
With a strong cast you can only hope for some magical moments, which in some instances they do come along now and again, however you can't help feeling at the end a tad bit disappointed especially when comparing to Blumhouse's other movies.
Isla Fisher portrays the vulnerable pregnant role very well and because she is pregnant you worry for her almost instantly because a pregnant woman in a horror movie isn't something you normally see (perhaps too close to the bone). Jim Parsons (Cooper from The Big Bang Theory), features slightly in this film, it would have been nicer for him to have a slightly bigger role as he is such a great actor.
With a few questionable scenes, some good acting and a twist of plot, this film is worth watching if you do like horror, but probably only to watch the once.