Movie Review: The Internship (In UK Cinemas July 3) ✭✭✭✭
The Internship
Review by Christina Benneworth
Can you believe it has been 8 years since Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn were in Wedding Crashers? Well it has and for fans of the pair they are back and they are both starring in The Internship.
Billy (Vince Vaughn) and Nick (Owen Wilson) are salesmen; who could probably sell just about anything, have recently lost their jobs, due to the company folding because of the digital world. So what is there for a 40 something year old in a forever changing digital world?
With not a lot of options and not a lot of skill, they decide to apply for internships at Google. Obviously; with the a lot of BS, they manage to land the internships at Google. Surrounded by young 20 year old college geniuses who live and breathe technology, Billy and Nick may be a little out of their depth. With all of the interns (or Nooglers) being put in to teams to compete against each other in tasks only one team will win and become Googlers (Google’s paid employees). Nick and Billy get stuck with the social outcasts – the geeks that geeks don’t like. They are led by Lile (Josh Brener); already an employer of Google, who likes to think he is cool by saying things like ‘fo shizzle’. Billy and Nick not only have the task of socialising with a generation 20 years their junior but also coming to grips with the digital world.
It’s a light hearted plot, nothing too complicated, but the main messages of this film is very endearing – it is basically a never give up on your dream story, regardless of age. It is great to see Vaughn and Wilson together again, they bounce off each other so well, an effortless performance.
I really enjoyed this movie I like the concept of the film – the younger generation no longer having the same sort of human interaction as the slightly older generation, as they rely maybe too much on the digital world (true). The scenes where Billy and Nick take their Google team out for a meal and an impromptu trip to a ‘Dance Club’ (you’ll get the inverted commas when you watch the movie), might have been the best comedy scenes of the movie.
A typical Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn movie, great long inspirational speeches, lots of product placement from Google and jokes you’ll be remembering after the movie. In the end The Internship is just a good movie.
I really enjoyed this movie I like the concept of the film – the younger generation no longer having the same sort of human interaction as the slightly older generation, as they rely maybe too much on the digital world (true). The scenes where Billy and Nick take their Google team out for a meal and an impromptu trip to a ‘Dance Club’ (you’ll get the inverted commas when you watch the movie), might have been the best comedy scenes of the movie.
A typical Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn movie, great long inspirational speeches, lots of product placement from Google and jokes you’ll be remembering after the movie. In the end The Internship is just a good movie.
Four stars ✭✭✭✭