Theatre Review: Swan Lake: Reloaded - London Coliseum ✭✭✭✭
Swan Lake: Reloaded
London Coliseum
Review by Philippa Stubbs
The beloved ballet classic, Swan Lake, has been metamorphosed by Fredrik Rydman's ideas and choreography for this Blixten and Co. tour.
Rydman's inspiration for this piece was taken from some white furs he saw hanging in a Camden boutique that reminded him both of swans and prostitutes. This then led to themes of drugs and found that Tchaicovsky's score suited parts of the story alongside some new musical ideas and experimentation with sampling, tempo and vocalisation.
The production's urban influences are a far cry from traditional interpretations of Swan Lake in more ways than one. To begin with, Rydman's choreography is a fusion of street and contemporary dance that explores the way the body can move and experiments with form and function. The traditional 'pas de deux' is transformed into something organic and there is an interesting take on the 'dance of the cygnets'. All the dancers are clearly talented and dedicated to what they do and a special mention must go to Daniel Koivunen and his powerful interpretation of Rothbart.
To add to the spectacle, inventive use of projection and lighting effects brought the story right up to date and the somewhat bizarre costumes of Siegfried's entourage contrast against the muted greys of the swans and their fluffy fur coats and white bob wigs.
If you are not a dance lover, this is perhaps something that might sway you into wanting to see more due to its visual appeal and current themes. On the other hand, if you prefer traditional ballet, this is something that may shock you, but leave you on the edge of your seat with curiosity. Either way, take a leap into the depths of a new take on a traditional story of love, betrayal and sudden death. You may be surprised!
4 Stars ✭✭✭✭
6 – 10 August 2013
London Coliseum
ST Martin’s Lane
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday @ 7.30pm
Friday @ 5.30pm & 8.30pm
How to book: (£1.75 booking fee applies)
02078459300 (£3.50 booking fees applies)
£10 - £65 (special £20 tickets in stalls for students in advance)