



Rising stars of British circus inspire with Throwback

In this exciting world premiere, the rising stars of British circus harness the power of collective memory. Throwback is a love note to nostalgia and the things you can’t forget. With awe-inspiring aerial and acrobatic work, one of the UK’s most exciting young troupes tell stories that are emotional and absorbing.

From the same National Centre for Circus class that produced the amazing talents of the Barely Methodical Troupe comes Silver Lining – whose sheer spectacle and energy can’t fail to impress in this fast-paced, feel-good explosion of physical skill and fun. The performers’ rapport as friends is evident from the start and the show relays honest stories about their own memories.

Founding company member Thomas Ball, comments "This show was inspired by the question 'what is your favourite memory?' We thought this was a difficult question to answer but one that left us with 1,000 happy thoughts and many a nostalgic day dream. We wanted to make an honest and fun piece where we invite the audience into our lives and hopefully leave them reminiscing over all those wonderful things they had forgotten."

With #ThrowbackThursday now a weekly social media posting trend, memories are part of our zeitgeist. People love to get nostalgic about their childhood, old friends, relationships, pop culture, past trends and happy memories and this is exactly what Silver Lining love too and have harnessed here.

Performance Dates Thursday 4th – Monday 22nd August (not 15th), 16:30
Running time 60 minutes
Location Underbelly’s Circus Hub, The Meadows, Edinburgh, EH9 9EX
Box Office Tickets are available from
Previews: £11
Normal: £15 (£14)
High Price: £16 (£15)





