Review: Legally Blonde The Musical - Savoy Theatre, London
Saturday 2nd April 2011 (eve show)
Omigod you guys!
Legally Blonde is undoubtedly the pinkest show in London town and it continues to be a fluffy delight for a Saturday night. One of the greatest aspects of this show is that it doesn’t shy away from its roots as a film, the story stays true to that of the film and it doesn’t pretend to be anything other than what it is; an energetic, fun, delightful, catchy treat. The music is as peppy as the cast leaving you tapping your feet and grinning from ear to ear.
In a hard-working cast such as this it is impossible to single out individuals for praise; from beginning to end this is a real team effort. Susan McFadden is currently playing the lead Elle Woods and she brings her own nuances to the part making it truly her own following Sheridan Smith’s critically acclaimed creation of the role in London. Alex Gaumond is perfectly cast as the romantic lead Emmett and Denise Van Outen has also brought her own character choices to Paulette Buonufonté after Jill Halfpenny’s character creation. An honourable mention is also due to the incredible Jane McMurtrie who truly deserves the title ‘super-swing’ as she was spotted in numerous roles over the course of this performance.
This isn’t the first time I’ve seen this show and it certainly won’t be the last. The key to this show is the relentless fun factor combined with easy to relate to themes; not to mention two very cute dogs, played by Monty and Pongo at this performance, who certainly give it the pup factor. The show does have serious messages and these are skilfully handled without seeming trite or shoe-horned in as an afterthought. The song Legally Blonde is heartbreaking and a real contrast to earlier numbers like Omigod you guys. So Much Better completes Act One on a real high of girl power and the lyrics of the Finale certainly resonate long after you leave the theatre.
If you need a pick-me-up, a night out with the girls (or boys!), or simply to forget the workaday world for a while then Legally Blonde is undeniably the place to be and if you enjoy the show you can always pick up the live London cast recording featuring Sheridan Smith, Alex Gaumond, Duncan James and Jill Halfpenny.
Snaps for Legally Blonde!